ViaThinkSoft release procedure ------------------------------ 1. Fix version information: - version.h (3 times cleartext + MainComponentVersion encoded + RELEASE_YEAR) - manifest32.xml and manifest64.xml - - 2. Run **release.bat** . This script will do: - Compile with Visual C++ by running **visual_studio\vc_make_3264.bat** . This creates a 32-bit DLL and a 64-bit DLL and mixes them together (required for 32/64 bit creating of standalone filters). - Compile with OpenWatcom 2.0 by running **wpj\make_watcom.bat** . This creates a 32-bit DLL only, and then mix Watcom-32-bit and VisualC-64-bit together. (This step is done because we want Win9x compatibility and therefore, the 32-bit 8BF must be built with OpenWatcom 2.0. MSVC++ 32bit needs at least Windows XP (tested with SP3). MingW 32bit build needs a newer version of the MSVCRT which implements `___mb_cur_max_func`. To build for Windows NT 3.1, we need OpenWatcom 2.0, becauase OpenWatcom 1.9 is not compatible with it) - Build a zip with following contents by running **make_zip.bat** : - wpj/FilterFoundry.8bf => FilterFoundry.8bf - visual_studio/FilterFoundry64.8bf => FilterFoundry64.8bf - => README.txt (sic) - => CHANGELOG.txt (sic) - doc\The Filter Foundry.pdf => The Filter Foundry.pdf - examples\ => examples\ - LICENSE_GPLv2.txt => LICENSE_GPLv2.txt - LICENSE_GPLv3.html => LICENSE_GPLv3.html 3. Verify that each 8BF file (32/64 bit) contains the hex sequence `17 05 83 52 2a 97 16 74` exactly three times (1 time in the code sequence, 2 times in the 32/64 template resources) 4. Verify that each 8BF file (32/64 bit) contains the hex sequence `86 21 1f 3e f1 a2 87 ef` exactly three times (1 time in the code sequence, 2 times in the 32/64 template resources) 5. Move the release ZIP into "releases/" folder and rename it. Also, extend the SFV file. 6. Commit to SVN with commit message `=== RELEASE 1.7.0.x ===` 7. Sync SVN with GitHub 8. Release to [ViaThinkSoft](