patharea plugin for Adobe Illustrator

Copyright 1995-2011 Toby Thain,

Patharea computes area and length of selected paths.

Self-intersecting paths and compound paths are not handled. If overlapping paths are measured, the result is the sum of separate areas, not the apparent area. In area calculations, open paths are implicitly closed by a straight segment from end point to start point (this is the same as fill rule for open paths).

Building the plugin from source

The Illustrator Source Development Kit (SDK) must be obtained from Adobe.

Two required projects must be checked out using Subversion:

Building for Macintosh

For Illustrator versions 7, 8, 9, 10 and CS, MPW (Macintosh Programmer's Workshop) can be used to build the plugin. MPW runs on PowerPC systems, MacOS 9 or earlier, or in the Classic runtime environment available in OS X 10.4 or earlier.

(CodeWarrior may also be used to build some varieties of Macintosh plugin, but this is not recently tested.)

For Illustrator CS2 (PPC), CS3 (PPC+Intel) and CS4 (PPC+Intel), OS X and Apple's are required. The plugin is built with gcc, by the provided Makefile.

Building for Windows

The plugin can be built with the freely downloadable Visual C++ Express CLI tools.

An NMAKE Makefile is provided to make this possible.

This has been tested with Visual C++ Express Edition 2008 and the Adobe Illustrator CS4 SDK. (Note that this configuration also works under WINE, in Linux.)

Still confused, or having trouble?

Don't hesitate to write to us.