# python module __all__ = [ "MODENAMES", "CHANNELSUFFIXES", "RDESC", "Modes", "Compressions", ] """header mode field meanings""" MODENAMES = [ "Bitmap", "GrayScale", "IndexedColor", "RGBColor", "CMYKColor", "HSLColor", "HSBColor", "Multichannel", "Duotone", "LabColor", "Gray16", "RGB48", "Lab48", "CMYK64", "DeepMultichannel", "Duotone16" ] """@todo docstring""" CHANNELSUFFIXES = { -2:"layer mask", -1:"transparancy mask", 3:"RGB", 4:"CMYK", 5:"HSL", 6:"HSB", 9:"Lab", 11:"RGB", 12:"Lab", 13:"CMYK", } """resource id descriptions""" RDESC = { 1000:"PS2.0 mode data", 1001:"Macintosh print record", 1003:"PS2.0 indexed color table", 1005:"ResolutionInfo", 1006:"Names of the alpha channels", 1007:"DisplayInfo", 1008:"Caption", 1009:"Border information", 1010:"Background color", 1011:"Print flags", 1012:"Grayscale/multichannel halftoning info", 1013:"Color halftoning info", 1014:"Duotone halftoning info", 1015:"Grayscale/multichannel transfer function", 1016:"Color transfer functions", 1017:"Duotone transfer functions", 1018:"Duotone image info", 1019:"B&W values for the dot range", 1021:"EPS options", 1022:"Quick Mask info", 1024:"Layer state info", 1025:"Working path", 1026:"Layers group info", 1028:"IPTC-NAA record (File Info)", 1029:"Image mode for raw format files", 1030:"JPEG quality", 1032:"Grid and guides info", 1033:"Thumbnail resource", 1034:"Copyright flag", 1035:"URL", 1036:"Thumbnail resource", 1037:"Global Angle", 1038:"Color samplers resource", 1039:"ICC Profile", 1040:"Watermark", 1041:"ICC Untagged", 1042:"Effects visible", 1043:"Spot Halftone", 1044:"Document specific IDs", 1045:"Unicode Alpha Names", 1046:"Indexed Color Table Count", 1047:"Transparent Index", 1049:"Global Altitude", 1050:"Slices", 1051:"Workflow URL", 1052:"Jump To XPEP", 1053:"Alpha Identifiers", 1054:"URL List", 1057:"Version Info", 2999:"Name of clipping path", 10000:"Print flags info", } class Modes: Bitmap = 0 GrayScale = 1 IndexedColor = 2 RGBColor = 3 CMYKColor = 4 HSLColor = 5 HSBColor = 6 Multichannel = 7 Duotone = 8 LabColor = 9 Gray16 = 10 RGB48 = 11 Lab48 = 12 CMYK64 = 13 DeepMultichannel = 14 Duotone16 = 15 class Compressions: Raw = 0 RLE = 1 ZIP = 2 ZIPPrediction = 3 # eof