# This file is part of TIFFViewer # Copyright (C) 2002-6 Toby Thain, toby@telegraphics.com.au # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # MPW Makefile BUNDLEDIR = :TIFFViewer.app: APPNAME = TIFFViewer EXEC_CARBON = {BUNDLEDIR}Contents:MacOS:{APPNAME} EXEC_CLASSIC = {BUNDLEDIR}Contents:MacOSClassic:{APPNAME} EXEC_68K = {APPNAME}(68K) CREATORSIG = TIFV TIFFViewer ÄÄ {EXEC_CARBON} {EXEC_CLASSIC} {EXEC_68K} setfile -a B {BUNDLEDIR} files -x brtc {EXEC_CARBON} {EXEC_CLASSIC} {EXEC_68K} ZLIB = ::zlib-1.2.3: ZLIBOBJ = {ZLIB}adler32.c.x {ZLIB}compress.c.x {ZLIB}crc32.c.x ¶ {ZLIB}gzio.c.x {ZLIB}uncompr.c.x {ZLIB}deflate.c.x ¶ {ZLIB}trees.c.x {ZLIB}zutil.c.x {ZLIB}inflate.c.x ¶ {ZLIB}inftrees.c.x {ZLIB}inffast.c.x ZLIBOBJ68K = {ZLIB}adler32.cz.o {ZLIB}compress.cz.o {ZLIB}crc32.cz.o ¶ {ZLIB}gzio.cz.o {ZLIB}uncompr.cz.o {ZLIB}deflate.cz.o ¶ {ZLIB}trees.cz.o {ZLIB}zutil.cz.o {ZLIB}inflate.cz.o ¶ {ZLIB}inftrees.cz.o {ZLIB}inffast.cz.o LIBTIFF = ::tiff-3.8.0:libtiff: TIFFOBJ = ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_aux.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_close.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_codec.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_compress.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_dir.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_dirinfo.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_dirread.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_dirwrite.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_dumpmode.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_error.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_fax3.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_fax3sm.c.x ¶ #{LIBTIFF}tif_getimage.c.x ¶ #{LIBTIFF}tif_jpeg.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_flush.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_luv.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_lzw.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_next.c.x ¶ #{LIBTIFF}tif_ojpeg.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_open.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_packbits.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_pixarlog.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_predict.c.x ¶ #{LIBTIFF}tif_print.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_read.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_swab.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_strip.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_thunder.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_tile.c.x ¶ #{LIBTIFF}tif_unix.c.x ¶ #{LIBTIFF}tif_version.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_warning.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_write.c.x ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_zip.c.x TIFFOBJ68K = ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_aux.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_close.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_codec.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_compress.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_dir.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_dirinfo.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_dirread.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_dirwrite.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_dumpmode.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_error.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_fax3.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_fax3sm.ct.o ¶ #{LIBTIFF}tif_getimage.ct.o ¶ #{LIBTIFF}tif_jpeg.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_flush.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_luv.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_lzw.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_next.ct.o ¶ #{LIBTIFF}tif_ojpeg.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_open.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_packbits.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_pixarlog.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_predict.ct.o ¶ #{LIBTIFF}tif_print.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_read.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_swab.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_strip.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_thunder.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_tile.ct.o ¶ #{LIBTIFF}tif_unix.ct.o ¶ #{LIBTIFF}tif_version.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_warning.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_write.ct.o ¶ {LIBTIFF}tif_zip.ct.o TIFFOPTS = -d HAVE_IEEEFP -d HOST_BIGENDIAN ¶ -d CCITT_SUPPORT -d PACKBITS_SUPPORT -d LZW_SUPPORT -d ZIP_SUPPORT ¶ -d NO_GZIP -i {ZLIB} main.cl.x Ä resource_ids.h main.ca.x Ä resource_ids.h main.c.o Ä resource_ids.h CLASSIC_OBJ = main.cl.x event.cl.x window.cl.x menu.cl.x misc.cl.x tif_mac.cl.x ¶ {TIFFOBJ} {ZLIBOBJ} ¶ ::common:tt:dbg_mac.cl.x ::common:tt:choosefile_nav.cl.x ::common:tt:str.cl.x ¶ ::common:tt:ae.cl.x ::common:tt:qd.cl.x ::common:tt:menu.cl.x ::common:tt:misc-mac.cl.x ¶ ::common:tt:scroll.cl.x ::common:tt:misc.cl.x ::common:tt:wind.cl.x CARBON_OBJ = main.ca.x event.ca.x window.ca.x menu.ca.x misc.ca.x tif_mac.ca.x ¶ {TIFFOBJ} {ZLIBOBJ} ¶ ::common:tt:dbg_mac.ca.x ::common:tt:choosefile_nav.ca.x ::common:tt:str.ca.x ¶ ::common:tt:ae.ca.x ::common:tt:qd.ca.x ::common:tt:menu.ca.x ::common:tt:misc-mac.ca.x ¶ ::common:tt:scroll.ca.x ::common:tt:misc.ca.x ::common:tt:wind.ca.x 68K_OBJ = main.c.o event.c.o window.c.o menu.c.o misc.c.o tif_mac.c.o ¶ {TIFFOBJ68K} {ZLIBOBJ68K} ¶ ::common:tt:dbg_mac.c.o ::common:tt:choosefile_sf.c.o ::common:tt:str.c.o ¶ ::common:tt:ae.c.o ::common:tt:qd.c.o ::common:tt:menu.c.o ::common:tt:misc-mac.c.o ¶ ::common:tt:scroll.c.o ::common:tt:misc.c.o ::common:tt:wind.c.o COPT = -opt speed -w 2,35 -proto strict -i ::common:tt: -i {LIBTIFF} .ca.x Ä .c mrc {depdir}{default}.c -o {targ} {COPT} -tb on -d TARGET_CARBON .cl.x Ä .c mrc {depdir}{default}.c -o {targ} {COPT} -tb on .c.x Ä .c mrc {depdir}{default}.c -o {targ} {TIFFOPTS} -w 2,29,35 -tb on .c.o Ä .c sc {depdir}{default}.c -o {targ} {COPT} -model far #-opt all .ct.o Ä .c sc {depdir}{default}.c -o {targ} {TIFFOPTS} -model far -w 2,29,35 -opt all -s libtiff .cz.o Ä .c sc {depdir}{default}.c -o {targ} {TIFFOPTS} -model far -w 2,29,35 -opt all -s zlib {EXEC_CARBON} ÄÄ {CARBON_OBJ} PPCLink -m main -d -o {TARG} -c {CREATORSIG} ¶ {CARBON_OBJ} ¶ "{PPCLibraries}CarbonStdCLib.o" ¶ "{PPCLibraries}StdCRuntime.o" ¶ "{PPCLibraries}PPCCRuntime.o" ¶ "{SharedLibraries}CarbonLib" ¶ "{SharedLibraries}StdCLib" {EXEC_CLASSIC} ÄÄ {CLASSIC_OBJ} PPCLink -o {TARG} -c {CREATORSIG} ¶ {CLASSIC_OBJ} ¶ "{PPCLibraries}CarbonAccessors.o" ¶ "{PPCLibraries}StdCRuntime.o" ¶ "{PPCLibraries}PPCCRuntime.o" ¶ "{PPCLibraries}PPCToolLibs.o" ¶ "{SharedLibraries}InterfaceLib" ¶ "{SharedLibraries}StdCLib" ¶ "{SharedLibraries}MathLib" ¶ "{SharedLibraries}NavigationLib" ¶ "{SharedLibraries}MenusLib" ¶ "{SharedLibraries}WindowsLib" ¶ "{SharedLibraries}AppearanceLib" ¶ "{SharedLibraries}QuickTimeLib" {EXEC_68K} ÄÄ {68K_OBJ} Link -o {TARG} -model far -d -c {CREATORSIG} ¶ {68K_OBJ} ¶ "{Libraries}MathLib.o" ¶ #"{CLibraries}Complex.o" ¶ "{CLibraries}StdCLib.far.o" ¶ "{Libraries}MacRuntime.o" ¶ "{Libraries}IntEnv.far.o" ¶ #"{Libraries}ToolLibs.o" ¶ "{Libraries}Interface.o" {EXEC_CARBON} ÄÄ tiffviewer.r version.h resource_ids.h {BUNDLEDIR}Contents:Info.plist rez -a -o {TARG} tiffviewer.r -d PLATFORM=¶"Carbon¶" -d TARGET_CARBON {EXEC_CLASSIC} ÄÄ tiffviewer.r version.h resource_ids.h rez -a -o {TARG} tiffviewer.r -d PLATFORM=¶"Classic¶" {EXEC_68K} ÄÄ tiffviewer.r version.h resource_ids.h rez -a -o {TARG} tiffviewer.r -d PLATFORM=¶"68K¶"